9 Financial Tips For Young Adults #20

Who came along and helped you get your finances pointed in the right direction when you were a young adult? Was it a parent who took you aside and explained how to make a budget or prioritize your financial goals? Let’s face it, there are several financial lessons that people need to learn before they really can thrive on their own. 

Do you have someone in your life who could use a guide in the right direction? If so, you’ve come to the right place! On this episode, you’ll hear as I walk through nine financial tips that you can use or pass on to someone in your life. Make sure to have pen and paper ready, you don’t want to miss a minute of this informative episode! 

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...

  • Why it’s important to create a budget. [2:00]

  • Building an emergency fund. [4:00]

  • Invest in your 401k plan. [5:30]

  • Pay off your credit card debt. [8:30]

  • Take care of student loans and start saving! [11:00]

  • Tackle any other debt you have. [14:30]

  • Make sure you have the proper insurance coverage. [16:00]

  • Create an estate plan. [18:30]

  • Closing thoughts. [20:30]

9 Financial tips you can use 

I’ve heard from many men and women over the years who wish they would have taken financial advice from someone they trusted at a young age. I’ve taken the time to cover nine financial tips that you can use or share with someone in your life.

  1. Create a budget.

  2. Build an emergency fund.

  3. Contribute to your 401K plan.

  4. Pay off high-interest credit card debt.

  5. Pay off your student loans.

  6. Start saving.

  7. Take care of any other outstanding debts.

  8. Make sure you have proper insurance coverage.

  9. Create an estate plan.

If you want to go even further as I expand on each one of these tips, make sure to listen to this informative episode - you don’t’ want to miss it! What tips would you add to the list? Which ones have you found the most helpful on your journey? Make sure to share your feedback - I want to hear from you! 

It’s not too late to start! 

Did you find something helpful in the list that you can use to get started on your financial goals? Don’t buy the lie that it’s too late to get started - if you want to make a change, start today! What area of your finances needs the most attention? Try writing out the goals you want to accomplish and placing them somewhere you will see it every day. For more helpful tips and to learn more about putting yourself in the best position to succeed financially, make sure to subscribe to this podcast!

Resources and People Mentioned

Connect With Morrissey Wealth Management 



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